You are in [this] for two reasons: one, to understand what you mean by being alive; and two, to figure out how you’re going to say it...
― Barry Lopez
The artistic lineage that winds back thousands of years and ripples out into an unknown future is one of intimate engagement with the imagination. I'm interested in that liminal space where wildness and culture, its myths, rituals, art, music, and poetry come together like the spokes in a great wheel. Having been painting and drawing for several decades, I feel that I am finally making some progress; recently awakening to or, rather, more fully realizing, a visual language that I can trust; can have faith in… That is to say, that despite boundless doubt, I persist in turning the wheel, trying to find a painting there.
― Barry Lopez
The artistic lineage that winds back thousands of years and ripples out into an unknown future is one of intimate engagement with the imagination. I'm interested in that liminal space where wildness and culture, its myths, rituals, art, music, and poetry come together like the spokes in a great wheel. Having been painting and drawing for several decades, I feel that I am finally making some progress; recently awakening to or, rather, more fully realizing, a visual language that I can trust; can have faith in… That is to say, that despite boundless doubt, I persist in turning the wheel, trying to find a painting there.